miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019

My Future Job

Today i will speak about my “future job”. Well… there is two areas that I like so much and in the end of my career I’ll try to connect. First I love martial art, really I love; I started 3 years ago in a dojo of my commune: San Bernardo. Now I practice in the same commune but in a different dojo. At the same time I like ergonomics. Is a subject that I see on the last semester and I liked so much, this subject is the study of the conditions of adaptation of a workplace or machine to the physical and psychological characteristics of the worker or user.
In this years practicing I saw a lot of problems on the training space, a lot of lesions caused by external factors. So I think and I want to make the situation favourable for the persons that training with me.
Actually I don’t know a empress or association that work on this area, but definily this is the area where I want to work. I think that this is the area where I will happy and confort because practice the discipline give some point to my favor.

Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance. In my previous post i ...