miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance.
In my previous post i comment that i practice martial arts and self defence.
Haya Jumaa is a world karate champion (2x) and a taekwondo youth olympian 2010.
She live on Canada and compite on representation of her country. Also studys kinesiology and this year she graduated of this career.
She been's practicing karate since she was a child and her brother and father taught her and continue to teaching her today.
I admire her because is a strong woman that don't have limits, always she post superation messages on her instagram account and share positive comments and sometimes in a bad day that's all i need for change the mood.
She is famous around the world because her kicks have an amazing technique, seem like she was born for karate. She is so faster and flexible that can  make possible all the hard techniques in the fight.
A caracteristic that i would like to stand out, is her mood to be rude and aggresive and at the same time is kind and cute. If i have to define it in a single word i think that is Warrior, definitively.
Well this is all for today, i hope that you enjoy this topyc because for me is so interesting and  i really really love.

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Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance. In my previous post i ...