miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Postgraduate studies

Hi! how are you? I hope that fine.
Well, on the last post i talk about "my future job" and it was about the fusion of industrial design and the training spacies of martial arts, but in short that's is my goal, for complement that I would like graduate on a magister of ergonomy and then study architecture, because on that way I feel that I complemente the two sides.
Why ergonomy? in the third semester of my career I did that subject and I liked so much. I still have the works that I did and sometimes I still think how does better or I explore stuff that I don't see in that moment.
The ergonomy is an area that architecture put aside on the most of projects and I think that I so important and relevant for the spacies, any spacies that is used by a person.
I still not sure about study architecture, I think that I need that career and is on my study plans but I still consideranding that.
I think that's the level that I want for me in the future. Also I want to explore more areas and see all the posibilities where I can apply that.
Well this is all for today!

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Haya Jumaa

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