miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019


Hi everyone!
I hope that you enjoy your day and rest this days.
Today a want to talk about my favourite holidays.
 Actually i haven't a favorite one because always i take memories of different years and situations, but i thinks that i enjoy a lot go to the beach. Always with my family travel to Los Vilos and we eat in a restaurant. I really love ttravel with my pet, they are two dogs but at the same time are really big so this difficult a little the travel. Whathver, in  any holidays where is present my grandmother and my pets is fine.
If i have to choose one i think that i choose the vacation were is my grandmother with us, my mom, my sister and my aunt, they are my world and i love so much my grandmather. Don't worry, she is a live hahaha but in the last two years i can't visit like before because the university takes my time.

So this it all for today

3 comentarios:

  1. I think is so great that you have that relation with your grandmother, because I hate mine, and she hate me too.


Haya Jumaa

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