miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019


I´m Carolina, i have 20 years old and my birthday is the 30 of december.
I´m a design student at university of Chile.

I don´t have detaills about how i born, i only know the place... Santiago. 👶
My studies was in San Benildo School and is the same school where work my mather. She is a Language Teacher. Also she does classes to my big sister.

My family consist in my mom, my sister, me and my dogs (two dogs 🐶 they are my world). I have a dove of pet because... i found him in the garden on my house so i take him to the veterinary (bad news: he can't fly again) and now is my baby🐣. His name is Kamu and the name of my dogs are Sally and Molly. 💖💖💖💖💖

Actually i live in San Bernardo🚄, i would like travel to countries like  Japan, South Corea... in general Asian Countries. I would like try out they food😋🍜🍱💖

I like dance diferent type of music. Usually i dance a gropu coreography.💥

I like draw and paint, but recently i don´t have time for do that (university works😟).
I like martial arts and self defense, they are my passion 👊. I can´t imagine myself in the future without training.
I practice this discipline since two years, three days for week (sometimes four, but only special cases).

I like cook sweet things, preference donnut and brownies. I reaaaaaaally love candys. 🍨🍨🍨

2 comentarios:

  1. your birthday is not the December 30 and your mother dont does classes to your big sister


Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance. In my previous post i ...