miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

My favourite piece of technology

Today i want to talk about my favourite piece of technology but i don't tell you the name 😆 so you have to endevinarr what is it.

I think that everyone have one or two in our house 👀  I don't remember exactly when we have the firt but i think that is when i was 12 years. Is a gadget that usually i use with my family because always is in the living room. In reality my family use this gadget more than me 😅 I use this gadget the weekends.

So although that i don't use this in the week i really like it because when the weekend is coming i can stay in the living room and do two things at the same time. How? i can see my favourite programs and movies while i'm eating. I can regular the  sound and  screen adjustments just with push their bottoms and  connect youtube videos in the television.

The life without this gadget is possible because before we always use other medios  if we need to modificate something.

Sooo that's all for todayyyy👀 Tell me what do you thing is it.


3 comentarios:

Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance. In my previous post i ...