miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Paint t-shirt

Hii. How has you been?
Since I was a child I liked the paint and do manual things. With the years I learn and I practice a lot but now, that I started the university I don’t practice too much.
When I went to the school I paint T-Shirts and the I solded for earn some money and then buy more paint and pencils hahaha.
I think that I miss a lot this because this activity was so confort and relaxing for me. I passed a lot of hours doing the details and the time that spended in that was a time of reflection (this type of things I need now hahah). Now I spend a lot of time training (I looove) and Is so different of the activity that I does when I went to the school, and I love that but I still thinking on the way to do this two activities.
Thanks you for read this post!


3 comentarios:

  1. I realy want to see one of your designs these would be really nice :)

  2. I would like to learn this technique, it sounds interesting!

  3. How great to have done that, to know about the subject and that it was so yours that moment.


Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance. In my previous post i ...