miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance.
In my previous post i comment that i practice martial arts and self defence.
Haya Jumaa is a world karate champion (2x) and a taekwondo youth olympian 2010.
She live on Canada and compite on representation of her country. Also studys kinesiology and this year she graduated of this career.
She been's practicing karate since she was a child and her brother and father taught her and continue to teaching her today.
I admire her because is a strong woman that don't have limits, always she post superation messages on her instagram account and share positive comments and sometimes in a bad day that's all i need for change the mood.
She is famous around the world because her kicks have an amazing technique, seem like she was born for karate. She is so faster and flexible that can  make possible all the hard techniques in the fight.
A caracteristic that i would like to stand out, is her mood to be rude and aggresive and at the same time is kind and cute. If i have to define it in a single word i think that is Warrior, definitively.
Well this is all for today, i hope that you enjoy this topyc because for me is so interesting and  i really really love.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Postgraduate studies

Hi! how are you? I hope that fine.
Well, on the last post i talk about "my future job" and it was about the fusion of industrial design and the training spacies of martial arts, but in short that's is my goal, for complement that I would like graduate on a magister of ergonomy and then study architecture, because on that way I feel that I complemente the two sides.
Why ergonomy? in the third semester of my career I did that subject and I liked so much. I still have the works that I did and sometimes I still think how does better or I explore stuff that I don't see in that moment.
The ergonomy is an area that architecture put aside on the most of projects and I think that I so important and relevant for the spacies, any spacies that is used by a person.
I still not sure about study architecture, I think that I need that career and is on my study plans but I still consideranding that.
I think that's the level that I want for me in the future. Also I want to explore more areas and see all the posibilities where I can apply that.
Well this is all for today!

Imagen relacionada

miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019

My Future Job

Today i will speak about my “future job”. Well… there is two areas that I like so much and in the end of my career I’ll try to connect. First I love martial art, really I love; I started 3 years ago in a dojo of my commune: San Bernardo. Now I practice in the same commune but in a different dojo. At the same time I like ergonomics. Is a subject that I see on the last semester and I liked so much, this subject is the study of the conditions of adaptation of a workplace or machine to the physical and psychological characteristics of the worker or user.
In this years practicing I saw a lot of problems on the training space, a lot of lesions caused by external factors. So I think and I want to make the situation favourable for the persons that training with me.
Actually I don’t know a empress or association that work on this area, but definily this is the area where I want to work. I think that this is the area where I will happy and confort because practice the discipline give some point to my favor.

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Paint t-shirt

Hii. How has you been?
Since I was a child I liked the paint and do manual things. With the years I learn and I practice a lot but now, that I started the university I don’t practice too much.
When I went to the school I paint T-Shirts and the I solded for earn some money and then buy more paint and pencils hahaha.
I think that I miss a lot this because this activity was so confort and relaxing for me. I passed a lot of hours doing the details and the time that spended in that was a time of reflection (this type of things I need now hahah). Now I spend a lot of time training (I looove) and Is so different of the activity that I does when I went to the school, and I love that but I still thinking on the way to do this two activities.
Thanks you for read this post!


miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Kamu, the dove

Well... today i  want to tell you the history of  my dove baby 🐣
Always we see doves on the street and usually we ignore that they are more that a "infection".
One day i get to my house and i saw in the entrance garden a dove that couldn't fly but i didn't too much importance so i just get in to the house.
The next day i awakened with a lot of  curiosity  and i get out of the house and i saw that the dove was still there, in that moment i call to my mother and i asked for help.
We find out a lot of wound on the dove, imcluding wings and bust so i started to joined money for take the dove  to the vet.
When i finally take him to the vet, he told me that the dove will not fly again so i decide to stay in my house and also i baptized KAMU.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019


Hi everyone!
I hope that you enjoy your day and rest this days.
Today a want to talk about my favourite holidays.
 Actually i haven't a favorite one because always i take memories of different years and situations, but i thinks that i enjoy a lot go to the beach. Always with my family travel to Los Vilos and we eat in a restaurant. I really love ttravel with my pet, they are two dogs but at the same time are really big so this difficult a little the travel. Whathver, in  any holidays where is present my grandmother and my pets is fine.
If i have to choose one i think that i choose the vacation were is my grandmother with us, my mom, my sister and my aunt, they are my world and i love so much my grandmather. Don't worry, she is a live hahaha but in the last two years i can't visit like before because the university takes my time.

So this it all for today

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

A country i'd like to visit

Hi everyone!
I hope that you're having a great day 👀
Today and if you see the name of the topyc i will tell you about the country i would like to visit.
In general i like the asian things and orientals cultures, particularly Japan and South Corea. One thing that caught my attention in this two countrys is the food, because that contains a lot of vegetables and is so healthy. They have a long list of turistic restaurant.
The second thing that caught my attention is the clothes, fashion and style in particular that the people have to wear there.
In Japan one example is the harajuku neighborhood.
I think that i would like stay in this country two months, one in Japan and one in Corea.
Also i want to travel to Suiza, because there is the Giger museum, this is a artist that is a inspiration for me. But in this case i would like to stay  only one week.

And thats it all, byee✌

Haya Jumaa

Hi! Today i wan't to talk about a woman that's a inspiration for me and who i admired for her perseverance. In my previous post i ...